304 North Cardinal
St. Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 7AM - 7PM
Weekend: 10AM - 5PM



What Are Affirmations and How Its Work?

confidence affirmations

What Are Affirmations and How Do They Work?How to Write AffirmationsHow to Practice AffirmationsFrequently Asked Questions Do I have to believe the affirmation for it to work? How many times to say or write affirmations? What’s the best time to…

Time Flies


‘The bad news is time flies. The good news is you’re the pilot.’ Michael Altshuler Time is flying!  How to slow the time down? How to make those days longer? There are a few little tips I use sometimes:  …

The Herbal Body Map

Herbal Body Map

Herbs are a natural wonder! They are some of the most important plants that exist on this planet. They offer a range of benefits that can be used to prevent, control, and cure illnesses. Some herbs are particularly important and…

Start From Where You Are Now


The time for any changes or transformations depends on our intuitive feelings and emotional condition.Yes, calculation made by your head.But you definitely feel and know that you need to change something in your life for better! Where to start?There are…



Our story is a love story. East meets west. James met Masa. Clean beauty met performance. James and Lynn have a passion for haircare that is unmatched — an unwavering commitment to formulate clean haircare products that hydrate like nothing else for…

Herbal Remedies for Insomnia


My grandfather lived till 90 years old and his habits for food and teas was my first health education.The Tea before bed I loved most. It was easy to make. He told mystical stories about every herb he used… and…

Herbal Remedies for Joint Health

Tea for Arthritis Pain

In this recipe, we take advantage of the benefits of a root, a bark, and a berry. Each offers an array of health benefits, including ones that support joint health and relieve pain. Yucca Root Yucca root, also known as…